ID :
Tue, 02/24/2009 - 18:34
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By D. Arul Rajoo

BANGKOK, Feb 24 (Bernama) -- People affected by the cyclone in Myanmar's
Irrawaddy delta have expressed great concern for the next cyclone season, said
Bishow Parajuli, the United Nations' Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in
the country.

He said that adequate shelters, rehabilitated school buildings and cyclone
resistant community buildings were some of the urgent needs expressed by the

"People will need support across all sectors, for years to come," he said in
a statement following the visit by members of Germany's Parliamentary Committee
for Economic Cooperation and Development to the delta over the weekend.

Over 130,000 people were killed or missing after Cyclone Nargis struck the
region on May 2 and 3, prompting an international humanitarian mission which was
coordinated by the Asean Secretariat and the UN.

The UN said this was the second visit by a European high-level delegation so
far this year.

Last month, the Minister of Environment and International Development of
Norway, Erik Solheim, and Minister for Development Cooperation of Denmark, Ulla
Toernaes, also visited the delta to assess the progress in Post-Nargis response
and future recovery needs.

During the full day visit to villages in Bogale township, the delegation
witnessed activities in the sectors of health, cyclone resistant shelter,
housing, food security, water and livelihoods, implemented and supported by the
Myanmar Government, the UN and non-governmental organisations.

Besides noting the progress in the relief and recovery work, the delegation
could see for themselves that there was continuing need for support for the
2.4 million people who were severely affected when cyclone Nargis struck in
early May last year.

"Of particular focus, were German funded activities. They also noted the
progress in the relief and recovery work, the delegation could see for
themselves that there is continuing need for support for the 2.4 million people
who were severely affected," the UN said.

The Post-Nargis Recovery and Preparedness Plan (Ponrepp) that was launched
earlier this month, outlines medium-term recovery needs for the next three

The plan was made under the auspices of the Tripartite Core Group (TCG),
comprising the Myanmar Government, Asean and the UN, in collaboration with the
humanitarian community, and has an estimated cost of nearly US$700 million.

The UN Revised Appeal for US$477 million, covering the period up to April
2009, now stands at 65 percent or US$310 million funded.