ID :
Thu, 02/26/2009 - 21:28
Auther :

Press seeks lay judges' participation in news conferences+

TOKYO, Feb. 26 Kyodo -
The Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association on Thursday called on
people who would serve as citizen judges to join news conferences after handing
down verdicts.
In an appeal to the would-be lay judges, the association, formed by newspapers,
news agencies and broadcasters nationwide, said, ''It's extremely important for
lay judges to frankly recount what they felt and thought in performing their
duties and help society share information, in order to achieve the ideal of the
judicial system reform -- making people's participation in the judiciary take
News gathering from lay judges is essential for mass media to verify if the
country's judicial authority is properly exercised under the new system to be
introduced in May, the appeal said.
The association said a news conference will be held at a court building
immediately after a decision is given, with the participation by lay judges who
agree to attend.
It said media organizations are preparing to pose such questions such as ''Did
you understand the judicial terms?'' and ''Did you feel pressure to be involved
in compiling a verdict?''
Under the new system, six citizens will examine serious criminal cases, such as
murder, at district courts along with three professional judges. A verdict will
be established by a majority decision by a nine-member panel.
Last November, the Supreme Court sent out documents to notify 295,000 citizens
that they have been selected as candidates for lay judges and may take part in
trials for serious crimes.
2009-02-26 22:33:10