ID :
Sun, 04/22/2018 - 19:23
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Rodong Sinmun Lays Bare Goal of U.S. Ideological and Cultural Poisoning

Pyongyang, April 22 (KCNA) -- The U.S. ideological and cultural poisoning is a vicious aggressive move to paralyze the sound ideological consciousness of the people and realize the regime change after all. Rodong Sinmun says this in an article on Sunday, adding: If one falls captive to the imperialist ideology and culture, one would be powerless though one has powerful military strength. This is a bitter lesson taught by history. The reactionary ideological and cultural poisoning paved a way for aggression by the imperialists in the past, and it is now playing the leading role in aggression. Any destroyed material wealth can be restored, but nothing can make up for the mental and moral ruin of human being or the ideological and cultural ruin of the nation. The reactionary culture of the bourgeois is an ideological poisoning making the people morally degenerated but the socialist ideological culture an ideological and mental food totally favoring the independent requirements and creative activities of the popular masses. The socialist ideological culture is a revolutionary ideology and culture that reflects the popular masses' beautiful dreams, ideal and noble and sound way of life and represents the justice and truth. As long as there is the revolutionary socialist ideological culture correctly reflecting the independent requirements of the masses, the imperialists' reactionary ideological culture can never make infiltration. To frustrate the imperialists' moves for ideological and cultural poisoning presents itself as an acute issue on which hinges the future of each country and nation. -0-