ID :
Mon, 09/17/2018 - 12:41
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Majilis Speaker Meets With Cuban Ambassador

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Majilis Speaker Nurlan Nigmatulin has received today Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Cuba to Kazakhstan Emilion Pévida Pupo, Kazinform has learnt from the press service of the lower chamber. At the onset of the meeting, Speaker Nigmatulin pointed out that Cuba is an important partner of Kazakhstan in the Caribbean region. According to him, the countries have managed to establish trusted-based political dialogue over 25 years of diplomatic relations. Nigmatulin continued by drawing attention to the importance of the first official visit of President Nursultan Nazarbayev to Cuba in 2016, during which Astana and Havana defined the key directions of bilateral cooperation. The sides noted huge potential for the development of trade and economic cooperation and strengthening of business contacts, adding that tourism, pharmaceuticals and biotechnologies look the most promising. Nurlan Nigmatulin emphasized it was necessary to strengthen Kazakh-Cuban inter-parliamentary ties and hold regular meetings of committees and groups for cooperation to share best practices in lawmaking activity. Ambassador Pupo, in turn, thanked our country for helping Cuba, especially in terms of education. In his words, many students have carved successful career in their native Cuba after obtaining education in Kazakhstan. Emilion Pévida Pupo reiterated Cuba's readiness to work for the benefit of Kazakh-Cuban relations and stressed that everything is in place for their gradual development.