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Sun, 03/15/2009 - 08:02
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More than 60% back antipiracy missions by SDF: gov't poll+

TOKYO, March 14 Kyodo - More than 60 percent of respondents backed antipiracy operations by the Self-Defense Forces while the ratio of those opposing the SDF's involvement in such missions was limited to about 30 percent, according to a government survey released Saturday.

The survey showed 63.2 percent think the SDF should be engaged in antipiracy
operations or prefer the SDF to be engaged in such activities. Especially among
those in their 20s, 71.6 percent backed antipiracy operations by the SDF.
The Cabinet Office conducted the survey of 3,000 adult men and women, of which
59.4 percent responded, on Jan. 15-25 before the government decided to dispatch
two Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyers for an antipiracy mission off
Somalia. The destroyers left Japan on Saturday.
The survey found 29.1 percent oppose the SDF's involvement in antipiracy
According to the survey, 73.8 percent think the SDF should place priority on
disaster rescue activities, followed by 60.1 percent who think emphasis should
be placed on national security and 44.3 percent who think priority should be
placed on international peace cooperation activities.
The survey also showed 64.7 percent turn thumbs up if people close to them
become SDF members. The ratio is up 12.9 percentage points from the previous
similar survey conducted by the Cabinet Office in 2006.
The ratio of those who have a good impression about the SDF came to 80.9
percent, down 4 points.
The survey showed 69.2 percent think Japan may be involved in a war.
Asked about security concerns in a multiple answer format, most respondents
cited the situation on the Korean Peninsula. This was followed by activities by
international terrorist groups, the relationship between the United States and
China and the modernization of China's military.
2009-03-14 23:16:04