ID :
Wed, 03/18/2009 - 14:25
Auther :

S. Korean officials attacked in Yemen but unharmed: ministry

SEOUL, March 18 (Yonhap) -- A group of South Korean government officials visiting
Yemen were attacked presumably by a terrorist group but no one was hurt, Seoul's
foreign ministry said Wednesday.
A bomb exploded when a vehicle carrying the Korean officials was en route to an
airport in Yemen, a ministry official said.
"It has been confirmed so far that all of them are unharmed, with only the car
damaged," the official said on the condition of anonymity.
The Korean officials were visiting the Middle East nation to discuss ways to deal
with the aftermath of a deadly terrorist bomb attack on South Korean tourists on
Sunday night (Seoul time) in Yemen's eastern city of Shibam.
The incident killed four South Koreans and wounded three others. Some bereaved
families of the dead were also visiting the country along with the officials.