ID :
Thu, 03/19/2009 - 20:55
Auther :

Japan eyes imposing more sanctions on N. Korea if missile is launched+

TOKYO, March 19 Kyodo -
Prime Minister Taro Aso suggested Thursday that Japan is considering additional
sanctions on North Korea on its own if it launches a rocket carrying what it
claims to be a satellite.
''We will decide (on how to deal with the possible launch) comprehensively,
with an eye to enhancing the sanctions,'' Aso told the Budget Committee of the
House of Councillors.
Aso also said it is necessary to take into consideration various factors -- if
it is really a satellite, how U.N. Security Council members will respond and
how Pyongyang will deal with the abduction issue -- in deciding Tokyo's
response to the possible launch.
Aso again called on Pyongyang to cancel the launch, saying North Korea ''should
not take actions which raise tensions in (Northeast Asia) and jeopardize
regional peace and stability.'' Japan and some other countries suspect it is a
cover for the test-firing of a long-range ballistic missile.
The prime minister said the government has conveyed its position to Pyongyang
through the Japanese Embassy in Beijing.
A ruling Liberal Democratic Party task force compiled a proposal Tuesday for
Japan to impose additional economic sanctions on North Korea in light of the
lack of progress on the issue of the North's past abductions of Japanese
The proposal includes such sanctions as a total ban on exports to North Korea
as well as expanding the period of extension of sanctions from the current six
months to a year.
Japan has been imposing unilateral sanctions on North Korea for some time,
including bans on port calls by North Korean-registered vessels and all imports
of goods from the country.
North Korea has informed international organizations of its plan to launch a
satellite between April 4 and 8.
Aso said Thursday the launch of the rocket is expected to be on April 4.
2009-03-19 20:14:58