ID :
Thu, 04/02/2009 - 16:08
Auther :

Diggers buried at Fromelles named

The names of 191 Australian World War I soldiers believed to be buried at Pheasant
Wood in Fromelles, France, have been released.
Some 400 Australian and British soldiers are believed to have been buried by German
forces following the Battle of Fromelles in July 1916.
Defence Science and Personnel Minister Warren Snowdon said the list of 191
Australian WWI soldiers released on Thursday was not definitive, and research into
the group burial site at Fromelles would continue.
"Given the information available, it is impossible to be absolutely certain who is
buried at Pheasant Wood," he said.
"However we, and many other historians and interest groups, believe this list
provides a solid foundation for further investigation."
Mr Snowdon said contact had been established with 40 per cent of relatives of those
soldiers on the list, and he wanted to reach more.
To access the list of names or register details, visit the website or call 1800 019 090.