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Mon, 04/06/2009 - 07:35
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Abductees' kin seek tougher sanctions against N. Korea after launch+

TOKYO, April 5 Kyodo - Relatives of Japanese nationals abducted to North Korea called on their government Sunday to expand sanctions against Pyongyang following its launch earlier in the day of what it claims to be a satellite but which countries such as Japan suspect of being a ballistic missile.

Shigeo Iizuka, leader of the relatives' group which held a rally in Tokyo in
protest of the launch, said Japan should impose ''tough sanctions'' against the
North Koreans to convey to them that the missile business would not feed them.
''We have been deceived by North Korea for many years, and the future is
uncertain,'' said the 70-year-old Iizuka, whose younger sister Yaeko Taguchi
was abducted to North Korea in 1978 at the age of 22. ''The missile issue may
put the abductions on the back-burner.''
Sakie Yokota, 73, the mother of Megumi Yokota who was taken to North Korea in
1977 when she was 13, said North Korea has repeated intimidations such as by
conducting a nuclear experiment and launching a Taepodong missile.
''I want (the Japanese government) to send a message that (North Korea) would
not be able to build amicable ties with the international community if it
continues such actions,'' Yokota said.
The relatives' group, along with their supporters as well as lawmakers seeking
the return of all Japanese abductees from North Korea, issued a joint statement
calling for further sanctions, saying Pyongyang has taken an ''unfaithful''
approach to resolving the abduction issue.
The groups called on the Japanese government to mount a diplomatic drive to
censure North Korea for its approach on the abduction issue during discussions
at the U.N. Security Council in response to the rocket launch.
''Why do (the North Koreans) need a satellite when they are receiving
humanitarian aid from the international community for their food shortages?''
the statement said.
The families of the abduction victims expressed frustration toward North
Korea's efforts to gain a diplomatic edge by acquiring missile technology while
not opening a reinvestigation on the abduction cases despite its earlier
promise to do so.
2009-04-05 22:42:35