ID :
Thu, 04/09/2009 - 12:25
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Japan Biz Lobby Urges Govt to Boost ODA in Asia

Tokyo, April 8 (Jiji Press)--The Japan Business Federation, the country's biggest business lobby known as Nippon Keidanren, on Wednesday requested the government to boost its official development assistance to Asia.

Chairman Fujio Mitarai and other Nippon Keidanren officials made
the request when they met with Prime Minister Taro Aso and Minister of
Economy, Trade and Industry Toshihiro Nikai.
The Nippon Keidanren officials said that Japan's ODA should be used
for such projects as the planned construction of rail links between Delhi
and Mumbai in India to allow Japanese firms to take part and support Japan's
economic recovery.
Mitarai, also chairman of Canon Inc. <7751>, said that it is
important for the Japanese government to spur demand in not only the nation
but also other Asian countries and regions to help them overcome the impacts
of the global economic and financial crisis.
Aso said that it is important for all Asian economies to grow
The meeting took place ahead of a series of key regional gatherings
to be held in Thailand this weekend, including the East Asia Summit.