ID :
Thu, 11/07/2019 - 10:05
Auther :

Russia welcomes signing of Riyadh Agreement document between Yemeni legitimate government and Southern Transitional Council

Moscow, November 06, 2019, SPA -- Russia welcomed the signing of the Riyadh Agreement document between the Yemeni legitimate government and the Southern Transitional Council, which was concluded yesterday in Riyadh. The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement today that Moscow welcomes the signing of the document and considers it as an important step to unite the Yemeni society, and a positive example to reach compromises that are acceptable and necessary in the current circumstances experienced by Yemen. The statement noted in particular the role of the mediation by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, and their significant contributions in reaching the agreement, and taking on the task of following up the progress made in the practical implementation of this agreement. --SPA