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Thu, 11/07/2019 - 10:06
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United States welcomes signing of Riyadh agreement

Riyadh, Nov. 06, 2019, SPA -- The United States of America welcomed the signing of Riyadh agreement between the Yemeni legitimate government and the southern transitional council which was signed in Riyadh yesterday. In a statement today, the U.S. state department said that the United States of America hopes that all the parties would avail themselves of the signing of this document to end struggle and achieve peace and stability which the Yemeni people is worthy of. The statement added that the United States extends thanks to His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and the Kingdom's government; the Yemeni President Abd Rabbou Mansour Hadi and his government; and the government of the United Arab Emirates for paving the way for this pivotal agreement which will support the efforts being led by the United Nations towards a comprehensive political settlement. The statement urged all parties to reach a permeant solution and get committed to implement the agreement, confirming the support of the United States and its continuing work with its international partners to bring about peace, prosperity and security to Yemen. --SPA