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Mon, 05/04/2009 - 11:07
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Top prosecutor to get report on corruption probe into Roh

By Sam Kim
SEOUL, May 3 (Yonhap) -- The prosecutor general is expected to decide this week
what charges should be pressed against former President Roh Moo-hyun after
getting the results of a months-long bribery investigation into him, a
prosecution official said Sunday.

Roh, 62, returned home Friday after 10 hours of questioning by prosecutors over
allegations that he was involved in millions of dollars his wife and aides
received from a businessman under detention.
Roh has acknowledged that his wife, Kwon Yang-sook, received $1 million from the
businessman, Park Yeon-cha, but insisted that he did not know it until after he
left office early last year.
Roh is also under suspicion that he played a part in $5 million the businessman
invested in a company run by his brother's son-in-law. Roh has denied all the
One prosecution official, Hong Man-pyo, said the results of the investigation
will be reported to Prsecutor-General Lim Chae-jin on Monday.
A team of investigators has publicly stated that they have enough evidence to
incriminate Roh, on the basis of which the top prosecutor will decide what action
he should take, other officials said.
"Investigators are making a report to be presented to the prosecutor general on
Monday," Hong said.
Hong said last week his team was considering re-summoning Roh's wife for
questioning. Roh's son, Gun-ho, has already been questioned several times on
suspicion that he also took money from the businessman.
Leaving his home in the nation's south coast for questioning by prosecutors in
Seoul last week, Roh said that although he was not directly involved in the case,
he was "deeply ashamed of myself" for disappointing his supporters.
Roh was the third South Korean president to be questioned by prosecutors over
corruption allegations. Two of Roh's predecessors -- Chun Doo-hwan and Roh
Tae-woo -- were convicted of receiving tens of millions of dollars in bribes from
large businesses while in office in the 1980s.