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Wed, 05/06/2009 - 17:06
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Laos continues to support for Non-Aligned Movement

Laos continues to support for Non-Aligned Movement

(KPL) Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs disclosed at the 15th Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Coordinating Bureau held from 27-20 April in Havana, Cuba that Laos is ready to provide full support to and cooperation with you in the discharge of the responsibilities of the meeting.
“ Over a year since our Ministerial Meeting held in Tehran, our world has experienced yet another global rapid change. Regional conflicts, global financial and economic crises and natural disasters have imposed considerable impacts on the economic growth and development and developing countries”, said Dr. Thongloun.
These emerging threats and challenges, including the multiple inter-related and mutually reinforcing current global crises, continue to impede efforts by States to attain greater economic development and social progress, peace and security, and enjoinment of human rights and the rule of law. Global peace and security continue to elude humankind as a result of , inter alia, increasing tendency by certain States to resort to unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures, non-fulfillment of the commitments and obligations assumed under the relevant international legally binding instruments especially on weapons of mass destruction and conventional humanitarian law, the use of double standards in international relations, the continuing failure and unwillingness of the majority of the developed countries to fulfil their commitments in the economic and social fields.
All this underscored the need for the international community to collectively redress these situations in accordance with UN Charter and the principles of international law. In this context, our movement has a greater role to play. Our meeting is timely and significant as it provides an opportunity for use to take, stock of our progress and review our action and prepare ourselves for the upcoming Summit of our movement. It is important to commend our movement for its efforts in addressing the issues of concern and vital importance to its members, such as decolonization, apartheid, the situation in the Middle East including the question of Palestine, the promotion of international cooperation for development as well as the maintenance of international peace and security, and disarmament.
In the face of these new and unpredictable challenges, our movement should redouble its effort in promoting multilateralism, especially by .
Strengthening the central role of the UN, defending the interests of developing countries and preventing their marginalizetion.
We have to undertake a proactive approach in the working dynamic of the Movement, increasing our capacity to bring forth on behalf of the NAM concrete proposals in the debates and presentation of resolutions and other initiative at the various United Nations organs and other international fora where NAM is represented.
The NAM Plan of Action adopted at the 14th NAM Summit held I Havana shall be reviewed when necessary during Ministerial Meeting in order to evaluate its implementation and to update it, accordingly.
Moreover, we should continue to review the role of the Movement in the context of current realities and improve, as appropriate, its structure and methods of work, including through strengthening existing mechanisms and arrangements, generating a more focused and concise documentation, enhancing the role of the Chair as spokesperson of the Movement, working towards establishing a Back-up mechanism to assist the Chair, with the aim of promoting a more coordinated, effective and efficient Movement capable of responding in a timely manner to international developments affecting it and its Member Countries. A grave concern over the current difficult and complex situation in the field of disarmament and international security continues to prevail.
The current impasse in achieving nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects remain to be addressed. In context, it is crucial that this has to be resolved through multilateral diplomacy. The world recognizes the adverse humanitarian impact caused by the use of cluster munitions.
As the worst affected by the cluster munitions, the Lao PDR welcomes the signing of the Oslo Convention and commends those states, which have signed and ratified the Convention. We are confident that given the humanitarian nature of this convention, other states will sign and ratify this convention with a view to full destruction and complete ban of the use of all such weapons.
The future path of our Non-Aligned Movement is no doubt filled with obstacles, challenges, requiring thereby a lot of sacrifices. However, the increase in our membership and the willingness of participation in the Movement’s work proves the relevance of our Movement. In this context, my Delegation welcomes those states wishing to become members of our Movement and those willing to be observers of NAM meeting.
Let us strive to transform this numerical strength into a qualitative one. In the present complex world realities, our Movement should be capable of providing a timely and effective response to international developments endowed with both opportunities and challenges.
Let us together make the mandate of our meeting fulfilled with a view to ensuring a great success to our 15th NAM Summit to be held in Egypt in forthcoming July, said Dr. Thongloun Sisoulith.