ID :
Fri, 05/08/2009 - 12:19
Auther :

Prosecutors arrest 23 drug offenders in March-April period

SEOUL, May 8 (Yonhap) -- Prosecutors said Friday they arrested 23 people,
including a high school teacher and a church pastor, over the past two months in
Seoul on charges of either using or dealing illegal narcotics.

The Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office said it booked 56 people and
arrested 23 of them, while confiscating 606 grams of methamphetamine and other
drugs during a two-month crackdown.
Among those arrested were a high school teacher who allegedly routinely smoked
marijuana at his home and a church pastor who was caught using methamphetamine in
Tsingtao, China, and in Seoul.
A night club owner and four others were arrested on charges of smuggling in MDMA,
better known as "ecstacy," and cocaine since 2007. Most smugglers were found to
have used international delivery services or third-party dealers overseas to
bring in the drugs.
Prosecutors said they also arrested a police officer for allegedly taking bribes
from drug offenders who tried to avoid punishment.