ID :
Fri, 05/08/2009 - 12:24
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Today in Korean history

May 9

1928 -- Japanese colonial authorities suspend publication of the Korean newspaper
Chosun Ilbo for running an editorial critical of Japan's military advancement
into the Chinese province of Shandong. The move, which marked the fourth
suspension of a Korean newspaper by Japanese authorities, lasted 133 days.

1942 -- Japan adopts a resolution to empower its colonial government in Korea to
draft Koreans into service for the Japanese Empire's wartime efforts.

1973 -- South and North Korean Red Cross representatives meet in Seoul, the
fourth such meeting aimed at helping reunite separated family members from both

1990 -- The ruling Democratic Liberal Party elects President Roh Tae-woo as its
chairman, touching off widespread anti-government street protests in Seoul.

2005 -- Two descendants of the Japanese assassins who murdered Korea's last
queen, Empress Myeongseong, in 1895 visit Seoul to make an apology for their
ancestors' crime.