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Mon, 04/26/2021 - 08:23
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Nuclear Medicine Centre unveiled in E Kazakhstan

SEMEY, April 26 (KAZINFORM) - The Nuclear Medicine Centre to detect and treat cancer diseases was inaugurated in Semey last week, the regional information centre reports. This centre is a part of the large medical cluster of East Kazakhstan. The whole centre will be put into operation in three stages. The radiation detection department has already opened its doors. It boasts a single-photon emission computer tomography scanner which lets apply the latest and most effective method. There are 16 medical workers in the department. The second stage is the launching of the radionuclid therapy, the third is the diagnostics and production of the Fluorodeoxyglucose radiopharmaceutical at the up-to-date cyclotron. This centre is the unique medical facility and is of great importance not only for the region but also for the entire country. The doctors of centre will be able to detect any diseases and tumours at early stage to treat and cure patients successfully.