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Mon, 07/12/2021 - 13:12
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Pacific Fleet’s ecology unit to continue Wrangel Island cleanup

TASS, July 12. The Pacific Fleet’s ecology unit will shortly begin cleanup and soil revegetation works on the Wrangel Island, the fleet’s press service reported.
"More than 50 people have been included in the ecology unit, which will be involved in cleaning the Wrangel Island from waste, in removing from the Arctic zone of outdated property and equipment," the press service said. "Shortly, the unit will be relocated by helicopters to the island to start carrying out the tasks there."
The unit will feature the military and civil specialists. They will use ten items of special equipment. The works are planned to be completed in November, when a special vessel will evacuate the collected waste to the mainland for further processing.
In 2020, the Eastern Military District’s ecologists collected on the Wrangel Island and prepared for transportation to the mainland about 150 tonnes of scrap metal. They worked near Somnitelnaya Bay (the Zvezdny airfield). More than 45 servicemen used about ten items of special equipment and vehicles.
The Wrangel Island does not have a permanent population, and the temporary population are meteorologists, staff of the nature reserve and the military. The Eastern Military District’s ecology unit cleans the Wrangel Island, which is a part of the nature reserve, from waste and metal barrels, which remain there after work of the military, polar stations and research bases.
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