ID :
Thu, 05/14/2009 - 09:21
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PM talks to Lao people in France

(KPL) Mr. Bouasone Bouphavanh, Prime Minister of the Lao PDR on 7 May visited and talked to Lao people who are living in France. The function held in Paris during the way home from an official visit to Cuba of the Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavnah.
There were more than 200 Lao people attending at the talking ceremony including Lao ambassador from France, Germany and Belgium.
At the talk, PM Bouasone Bouphavnah also told them of the concern of the Party and the government for all Lao people who are living oversea, particularly in France. PM Bouasone also expressed them about the world financial crisis faced by Laos. He said that general situation on economic situation in Laos is stability because it is a country with small economic and due to the government have a right policy on economic.
He also briefed the meeting on the progressive of the Lao people, especially those who are living in Vientiane Capital on their preparation to host the 25th SEA Games which is scheduled to be held in Vientiane on December 2009 and the celebration of the 450th anniversary founding of Vientiane which is to be held in 2010.Mr. Bouasone also expressed congratulations to all Lao people there for their best efforts for living aboard. He also called them to unite, provide helps to each other and to preserve the Lao traditional culture and custom for their new generation.