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Sun, 03/13/2022 - 19:15
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Libyan Foreign Minister Commends Qatar's Efforts to Bring Peace to Republic of Chad

Doha, March 13 (QNA) - HE Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Libya Najla El Mangoush commended the State of Qatar's efforts to bring peace as well as bringing together the representatives of the Transitional Military Council and the Chadian armed groups in a comprehensive national dialogue, expressing her hope to reach the aspired national reconciliation. In her speech during the opening session of the Chad Peace Talks held Sunday in Doha, Her Excellency said that the security vacuum in the north of the Republic of Chad and in the south of the Libyan State has contributed to the spread of all kinds of cross-border crime, as well as the activity of terrorist groups, not to mention the activity of the mercenaries' movements across the border. HE Libyan Minister of Foreign Affairs explained that her country has strong historical relations with the Republic of Chad at all levels, pointing out the tribal extension and strategic and security depth of the two neighboring countries, implying that the instability of one affects the other. The instability and insecurity that are seen in southern Libya and northern Chad have contributed to the spread of many destructive phenomena, and the countries have become areas for human smugglers and drug and weapon dealers, which requires the advancement of national reconciliation and holding free and fair elections - creating an elected government chosen by the people, that is capable of establishing security and eliminating destructive phenomena in the region, Her Excellency said, stressing that the signs of reconciliation in Chad have begun to take the right path with the help of the sisterly State of Qatar. Her Excellency noted that despite the numerous difficulties that may be encountered, regional considerations enhance the chances of the success of this dialogue, due to two main factors. One of the factors is related to the growing strategic importance of the Republic of Chad in recent years, as it has become one of the main players in restoring stability in the African Sahel region and in stabilizing the transitional process in its immediate neighbor (Libya), which makes N'Djamena a major spot for many representatives of the major countries with stabilizing situations on the African continent, she said. Her Excellency added that holding the Chadian opposition talks with the Transitional Military Council promises an ending to the armed conflict and bringing Chad to the stage of stability and construction. Represented by the Government of National Unity, Libya is fully prepared to join these efforts impartially, Her Excellency noted, pointing out that it will only take part in the reconciliation with the agreements that emerge from these talks, pushing for the return of the factions present on Libyan lands to their country to participate in construction and development operations, and banning their use of Libyan lands as a base to destabilize the state's security of its neighbor (Chad). The State of Libya attaches great importance to the success of the comprehensive national dialogue on peace, security and stability, given the depth of its historical relations with the Republic of Chad, Her Excellency said, adding that in the past, Libya has contributed to bringing Chadian parties together to conduct negotiations in the city of Sirte, which resulted in the signing of an agreement on Oct. 25, 2007, in addition to the signing of a peace agreement between Chadians on June 27, 2009 under the auspices of the African Union, in the Libyan capital, Tripoli. Her Excellency expressed her aspiration to achieve comprehensive national reconciliation between the various parties in the Republic of Chad, in order to achieve a sustainable peace that will reflect positively on the Republic of Chad in particular, and on Libya and the Sahel region in general, considering that they are undergoing exceptional security conditions, calling for combined efforts in discarding differences, in order to overcome the common challenges of the spread of transitional organized crime and the elimination of extremist terrorist groups operating across borders. Her Excellency also commended the efforts of HE President of the Transitional Military Council of the Republic of Chad Lieutenant General Mahamat Idriss Deby, who was able to form the organizing committee for the comprehensive national dialogue - only four months after the establishment of the Transitional Military Council, to bring the views closer, with the aim of the participation of many opposition civilians in the national dialogue, in addition to the participation of politicians and military personnel for peaceful dialogue, and conducting frank and direct consultations in order eliminate violence, achieve security and stability, and create the appropriate environment for sustainable development, for a prosperous future that meets the aspirations of the Chadian people. Her Excellency stressed that the complex reality that the region has been living under the current circumstances, requires working in a balanced manner, to overcome the security and political challenges without delay, wishing this meeting success and results that will satisfy everyone. (QNA)