ID :
Wed, 05/27/2009 - 15:15
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Pekanbaru, Indonesia, May 27 (ANTARA) - Indonesian migrant workers abroad remitted a total of Rp120 trillion in 2006 and thereby contributed significantly to the country's economic growth, a manpower official said.

"Their remittances enabled the Indonesian economy to continue recording positive growth. Indonesian migrant workers abroad are contributing a lot to the sustainability of the national economy," Jumhur Yusuf, head of the National Migrant Workers Placement and Protection Agency (BNP2TKI) said here Wednesday.

He said the money migrant workers had been sending home had in fact been the life-line of the economies of many regions in the country.

At present a total of about six million Indonesians were making their living as migrant workers in other countries. Although of the number only 4.3 million were legal migrant workers, it meant that six million Indonesians were gainfully employed and directly supporting an estimated 30 million other Indonesians who are their next of kin at home, he said.

The figure 30 million was based on the assumption that every migrant worker was financially helping five of his or her relatives at home.

Therefore, Yusuf said, the government was determined to improve public services for people seeking work abroad. One of the things the government would do was setting up integrated or one-roof migrant workers service offices in all provinces such as already existed in Mataram, West Nusatenggara (NTB).

Since the one-roof migrant workers service office in Mataram was opened a few months ago, the number of people who went to work overseas legally or with the required official documents had increased while that of illegal migrant workers had gone down, Yusuf said.

"The one-roof migrant workers service office in Mataram can issue all the required official papers to a would-be migrant worker in just one day's time. The process there is now quick, easy and cheap," he said.

The government was now also constantly keeping an eye on the training of would-be migrant workers to ensure that they were sent abroad with the proper work skills and competence, he said.***