ID :
Thu, 05/28/2009 - 09:04
Auther :

Yemen, JICA sign technical cooperation agreement

SANA'A, May 27 (Saba) - Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) signed here on
Wednesday a technical cooperation agreement for training Yemeni
cadres in irrigation field.

The agreement includes intensifying a training program to promote
the competency through modern irrigation techniques and improving
irrigation services as well as availing from the water harvesting
systems and flood-based irrigation system.

It focuses on supporting the water surveillance field and the
decision makers who work in the water management field to contribute
to developing the irrigation systems and water harvesting.

Under this agreement, JICA presents its training program which will
last for three years and to be implemented in Jordan under the
supervision of JICA.

The agreement was signed by Undersecretary of Ministry of
Agriculture for Irrigation and Land Reclamation Sector Ahmed
al-Ashlah and Head of General Authority for Water Resources Salim
Ba-Shuaib from Yemeni side and JICA's Representative in Yemen Komori
and JICA's representative in Jordan for Japanese side.