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Fri, 06/12/2009 - 09:19
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Transit transport among Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam opened

(KPL) The ceremonies to commemorate the exchange of traffic rights and customs transit system was taken place at the two major border crossing points along the East West Economic Corridor of Lao, Viet Nam-Dansavanh (Lao PDR), and Savannakhet province, Lao PDR-Mudahan (Thailand) yesterday.
The main ceremony took place at the second Friendship Bridge in Savannakhet province where Lao Minister of Public Works and Transport, Mr Sommat Pholsena and his counters from Thailand and Vietnam attended the event. Minister Sommat said that the exchange of traffic rights and customs transit system of the three countries was implemented under the Great Mekong Sub-region of Cross Border Transport Agreement between three countries.
Commercial trucks from Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam are able to cross international borders and proceed to their final destination in neighboring countries without reloading at border checkpoint.
In tandem with recently-implemented single-window and single-stop border inspections along the East West Economic Corridor –which runs from Danang, Vietnam, though Savannakhet, Lao PDR and into Thailand-overland transport times will be significantly reduced, boosting trade flows and economic development for all three countries.
Ten years after Laos, Thailand and Vietnam first agreed to ease cross-birder traffic rules, the promise of the that agreement is truly being realized, says Arjun Thapan, Director General of ADB’s Southeast Asia Department.Narrow dirt trails that were once used to transport refugees and military hardware have given way to modern highways carrying electronic goods, exotic fruits and tourists,” says Mr. Thapan.1,500 commercial vehicles-500 from each country – have initially been provided with permits to enter into neighboring countries.Under the Cross Border Transport Agreement between the countries some goods shipments can be certified as low risk, allowing the shipments to be tracked at border-crossing check points.Container seas will now be routinely accepted for the duration of the transit route, which will impede theft and damage previously caused by multiple container openings and unloading.ADB’s first supported the development of the East West Economic Corridor through a US$ 57 million concessional loan in 1999, primarily to fund the construction and upgrade of road in Viet Nam and Lao PDR.Building international-standard roads was an important start, but not enough by itself, “ says Mr. Thapan. “Governments also had to slash the bureaucratic red tape that restricted the cross-border flow of goods and people.
“Because of the progress these countries have made, trade and tourism will proper further. You can set out from Thailand, do business in Laos, and arrive in time for dinner at Danang in Vietnam- all in the spece of a single day,” says Mr. Thapan.Today’s traffic rights exchange and customs transit system are expected to further reduce transport costs, producing even more dramatic increases in inter-regional trade volumes.