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Wed, 12/06/2023 - 18:56
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Long-standing, solid Bahrain-UAE relations continue to flourish

Manama, Dec. 1 (BNA): The United Arab Emirates celebrates its 52nd Union Day amid its success in attaining wide-ranging national, regional and global achievements thanks to the leadership of His Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE President, and His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, UAE Vice-President, Prime Minister and Dubai Ruler.


The Kingdom of Bahrain’s leadership and people are keen to mark the UAE’s National Day every December 2, which is an occasion in which the UAE people commemorate the anniversary of the establishment of their independent country in 1971.


Bahrain and the UAE enjoy long-standing relations, strengthened further thanks to the directives of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and HH Shaikh Mohammed bin Zayed, UAE President.


The two countries’ ties are based on deep-rooted fundamentals and visions, which is evident in the distinguished relations between their leaderships throughout history, in addition to their close cooperation within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), as well as at the Arab and Islamic levels.


The Bahrain-UAE relations are consolidated by their distinct geographical and strategic location, in addition to their adoption of wise, balanced and moderate foreign policies based on promoting peace and spreading a culture of mutual respect among countries.


The two countries are also among the leading models in the region for adopting distinguished development approaches and human rights principles, as well as implementing ambitious policies and initiatives to consecrate the state of institutions and law, and to establish a broad foundation for coexistence, tolerance and human fraternity.


The two countries also established the Joint Higher Committee in 2000, based on the directives of their leaderships, to regulate work mechanisms and joint projects, as well as activate joint agreements and memoranda of understanding in order to strengthen their integration.


The Joint Higher Committee has contributed to expanding the base of bilateral work, especially at the levels of political, military, economic, and development cooperation, as reflected in the volume of the Bahrain-UAE trade exchange, which exceeded $6 billion in 2022.


According to the foreign trade report issued by the Information and e-Government Authority in May 2023 revealed that the UAE was the second most important and largest export and import partner to Bahrain, with imports worth BD 57 million and exports of national origin valued at BD 38 million.


Meanwhile, the UAE ranked first with 24 million worth of re-exports, as shown by the iGA report.