The Executive Board of the Organization of Asia - Pacific News Agencies (OANA), declares on October 23rd, 2023 in Istanbul, as follows:


  1. Disinformation in digital era is widely disseminated through modern and traditional media. It gives the audience a distorted and misleading picture of the developments. News agencies are expected to meet their professional duty to fight disinformation and provide their audience with comprehensive and balanced information.

  2. OANA encourages regional and international cooperation among news agencies to fight disinformation.

  3. OANA encourages promotion of media literacy to help people distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources of news and to let them know the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking.

  4. OANA is deeply concerned about the situation in Gaza. It calls for the protection of journalists in that region and urges all institutions and organizations to take the highest measures to ensure the safety of journalists.