ID :
Tue, 05/28/2024 - 16:03
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Busher; city of sun, sea, palm trees

TEHRAN, May 28 (MNA) – One of the most beautiful cities in Iran to visit is Bushehr province which is located in the center of Bushehr port on the Persian Gulf and is the 17th largest province in Iran. Located on the shores of the Persian Gulf, Iran's southern province of Bushehr, is known for its local and traditional foods whose most important ingredients are tamarind, fish, shrimp, and dates. You can taste the most delicious seafood in Iran in Bushehr. Bushehrians have special skills in flavoring and eliminating the unpleasant smell of seafood. Fish and shrimp are the main ingredients and red pepper and tamarind are the main flavors of most Bushehr dishes. Shrimp stew and fish stew are just some of the delicious dishes that you can try on your trip to the province. It is totally true to say that the people of the southern area of Iran are all known as hospitable people.