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Sun, 09/22/2024 - 18:10
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Model Sci-tech Learning Space Movement Brisk in DPRK

Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- Industrial establishments across the DPRK are fully displaying the vitality of the model sci-tech learning space movement.
Officials at the Educational Books Printing Plant have worked out a detailed plan for operating the sci-tech learning space and prepared the employees to be intellectual workers and those responsible for the development of science and technology.
The Paektusan Institute of Architecture has arranged well an e-library and built up database for the field of architectural design to provide the designers with necessary data in good time.
Workers at the Samilpho Electronic Goods Factory are playing a role in technical innovation by deeply learning the specialized knowledge and employees of the Namhung Youth Chemical Complex are raising the technical knowledge and skills to a higher level through scientific and technological studies.
Similar activities are witnessed at the Paekunsan General Foodstuff Factory, the Tonghungsan Unha Garment Factory, the power transmission and distribution station of Ryanggang Province. -0-