Kyrgyzstan launches Sustainable Tourism Development Program until 2030

The approved Sustainable Tourism Development Program is aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of a competitive, sustainable and popular tourism sector.
The Ministry of Economy of Kyrgyzstan reported that the Program includes nine priority areas that will be implemented until 2030:
1. Optimization of the state policy in the sphere of tourism - improvement of the regulatory and legal framework and strategic management.
2. Formation of the consumer market - increasing the attractiveness of tourism services for local and foreign visitors.
3. Digital transformation of the tourism services market - introduction of modern technologies to simplify access to tourism products.
4. Ensuring safety in the tourism industry - creating conditions for safe recreation of tourists.
5. Preservation and development of historical and cultural heritage, natural environment and ecological balance.
6. Regional development - stimulating the growth of local economies through tourism development.
7. Industry Infrastructure Development - improving transportation, hotel and tourism infrastructure.
8. Adoption of green technologies - supporting environmentally friendly initiatives.
9. Development of medical, sports and health resort tourism - creating unique offers for tourists.
Key objectives of the program by 2030:
Kyrgyzstan's entry into the top 50 countries according to the Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index, according to the World Economic Forum analytics.
Increasing the share of tourism in the country's GDP up to 7%. Annual growth in the number of foreign and domestic tourists by 10%. Achievement of 70 points or more in the international rating of mountain tourism safety.
In order to achieve these goals, a monitoring and evaluation system is envisaged, which will provide regular analysis of the progress of the program and the degree of achievement of the set objectives.
The program is designed not only to develop the tourism industry, but also to contribute to the economic growth of the regions, preservation of the unique nature and cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan.