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Mon, 08/10/2009 - 12:19
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Medical workers’ rehearsal to cope with new flu pandemic

(KPL) Medical workers of the Ministry of Public Health have rehearsed in dealing with the pandemic of new type influenza A (H1N1), which may spread seriously in Laos in the near future.
A workshop on multi-sector pandemic simulation exercise, was organised by the National Coordination Office of Contagious Disease Control and Prevention in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme in Vientiane Capital, on 6-7 August. The number of cases of type-A (H1N1) flu in Laos has reached 162, one of whom died. While Vientiane Capital found 84 people infected with type-A (H1N1) flu, which is a high rate.
The event was a test of Lao medical workers’ preparedness and capacity of coordination with other ministries in handling the pandemic.
It also provided better understanding on adverse impact of type-A (H1N1) flu on socio-economic development and strengthened the coordination of ministries as well as the Government and the UN.
A new type influenza virus is now erupting in over 160 countries worldwide with 134,503 people infected with the virus and 816 deaths and it seems to further spread seriously, according to the World Health Organisation on 30 July.