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Thu, 09/17/2009 - 11:17
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Australia supports HIV prevention for Laos

(KPL) The Government of Australia has agreed to provide AUS$4 million for Laos with the aim of promoting effective harm reduction approaches in order to prevent the transmission of HIV amongst male and female injecting drug users.
The agreement was signed in Vientiane Capital, yesterday among the Government of Australia, the Government of the Lao PDR and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
The signatories to the document were Mr. Soubanh Srithirath, Minister to the President’s Office, Chairman of the Lao National Commission for Drug Control and Supervision (LCDC), Dr Michele Forster Australian Ambassador to Laos, and Mr. Leik Boonwaat, UNODC country representative in Laos.
The HIV/AIDS Asia Regional Programme (HAARP) is a new initiative of the Australian Government. It is funded by the Government of Australia with a total budget of AUS$ 4 million over six years and executed by the UNODC, in close cooperation with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and with the project executers in Laos (the LCDC, Ministry of Public Health (MOH)/ Central for HIV/AIDS and STIs (CHAS) and the Ministry of Public Security (MOPS), the Government of the Lao PDR.
Although Laos is considered a low HIV prevalence nation, there is a great risk of escalation. Given the reported increase in injecting drug use, drug users have been identified as one group extremely vulnerable to HIV infection.
The HAARP Lao PDR will aim to strengthen both the Lao National Commission for Drug Control and the Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Public Security capacities to effectively and efficiently deliver harm reduction service for the three main groups of drug users, namely opium users, Amphetamines (ATS) users and heroin users (the vulnerable populations).
In order to develop a truly multi-sectoral response, the HAARP Lao PDR will also work and support activities undertaken by a range of implementing partners from international NGOs and local organisations as well as other key government departments, notably law enforcement
The HAARP in Laos will contribute to achieving development priorities stated in the National Strategy and Action Plan on HIV/AIDS/STIs and the National Drug Control Master plan.