ID :
Thu, 09/17/2009 - 11:19
Auther :

World Bank confirms to strengthen financial sector of Laos

(KPL) World Bank confirmed to help Lao PDR to strengthen the capacity for financial sector of Laos. The statement was said during the courtesy visit to Standing Deputy Prime Minister Somsavat Lengsavad of Mr. Vikram Nehru, the World Bank’s Director for Poverty Reduction and Acting Chief Economist, East Asia-Pacific Region, on 15 September in Vientiane.
At the talks, DPM Somsavat praised and highly evaluated the visit to Laos of Mr. Vikram Nehru as a contribution to further strengthening the friendship relation and co-operation between Laos and the World Bank.
On this occasion, Mr. Vikram Nehru expressed thanks to DPM Somsavat for his warm welcome and briefed him on the global financial crisis faced by Laos.