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Tue, 11/24/2009 - 10:36
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Phailinda Philavanh crowned first Miss Laos 2009

(KPL) Miss. Phailinda Philavanh, 19, from Vientiane capital, was crowned as the most beautiful lady of the Lao PDR, defeating twenty two other contesters from all part of the country at the Miss Laos Contest 2009 held at Don Chan Palace in Vientiane Capital last Saturday.
Miss. Vongphachanh Vongvilasack, 21, from the southernmost province of Champassak, was the first runner-up and Miss Niphaphone Phommachanh, 20, from Vientiane province, was awarded the second runner up.
Phailinda received almost 200 million kip as prize including the crown (20-million-kip), one gold-embroidered silk sash (1.5 million kip), one car BYD (85 million kip), golden jewellery (13.4 million kip), an LCD TV set (10 million kip), gift vouchers and 50 million kip in cash. She also won Miss Photogenic awarding her 5 million kip as prize and Miss Healthy receiving 5 million kip. These prizes were decided on the votes she got from the majority of the press.
The first runner-up, Vongphachanh Vongvilasack, received 20 million kip in cash, a gold silk sash (1.5 million kip), one television set CTV (2.4 million kip) and gift vouchers while the second runner up Niphaphone Phommachanh, received 10 million kip, one gold-embroidered silk sash (1.5 million kip), one TV set (2.45 million kip) and gift vouchers. Niphaphone also won Miss Friendship with 5 million kip in cash. Miss Souphaphone Inthavong, 19, from Vientiane Capital, and Miss Chanpasong Sitthiphanh, 18, from southern Attapeu province, won the third runners up. Each of them received three million kip in cash, gold-embroidered silk sash (1.5 million kip), TV set (2.4 million kip), gift vouchers and health check-up vouchers from Panyaveth Hospital (Thailand).
Chanphasong was also won a popular vote after she was identified to win the largest vote from audience who use Tigo phone numbers. Miss Kesone Phon-ad was voted as Miss Best Personality with a prize of 5 million kip.
The contest was held by The Ministry of Information and Culture and the K&C Company in collaboration with the Lao Journalists’ Association.
Standing Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Somsavat Lengsavad, Minister of Information and Culture, Mr. Mounkeo Oraboune, and President of the Lao Women’s Union Mrs. Sisay Luedethmounsone, were present at the event.