ID :
Thu, 11/26/2009 - 12:14
Auther :

Xiengkhouang province attracts quick buck investors in energy, mining and agriculture

(KPL) While a number of investors show interest in investing in Xiengkhouang province, but quite often they are after the quick buck type of projects and so the other sectors attract little or no interest whatsoever.
Xiengkhouang province, located in the north of Laos, still has many UXOs or unexploded bombs, posing a danger to human beings and animals and this made investors uneasy to invest in this province. An official of Xiengkhouang’s Investment and Planning Office said that the location of the province itself was a disadvantage to getting investors to put money into this place. This is exacerbated by its mountainous terrain, countless UXOs and the poor road system.
Mr Duangchit, Head of the Investment and Planold KPL News yesterday, that because of these factors this province attracted quick buck investors, mainly in three sectors, energy, mining and agriculture.
He also said the 2008-2009 investment report showed that investors had sent proposals to the Lao government to get the green light to carry out exploration and surveys. Just to cite two examples, a Thai company has sought the government’s approval to construct a golf course and to get land concession for an agricultural project and the Australian company, Phu Bia Mining Company, has been trying to get approval to carry out exploration work for gold in the Phu Hae mountain.