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Thu, 12/03/2009 - 01:47
Auther :

Russia, China just care about their interests: Iran’s ayatollah

TEHRAN, Dec. 2 (MNA) – By voting in favor of the anti-Iran resolution Russia and China proved that they just care about their own interests, said Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi on Wednesday.

The IAEA Board of Governors, under pressure by the West, adopted a resolution against Iran on Friday. Twenty-five members including Russia and China voted in favor of the resolution. Malaysia, Venezuela, and Cuba voted against the resolution, and Afghanistan, Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey abstained. Azerbaijan Republic missed the vote.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi also said the resolution came as a warning that the Iranian nation “should set aside differences and stand united more than ever”.

The grand ayatollah said the resolution had three messages: First it brought to the light that Iran is “alone in the struggle against the enemies” and that Russia and China who claim to be Iran’s close friends “only seek their own interests” and do not value “ethics”.

“In fact they (China and Russia) are friends of their pockets,” he asserted.

Secondly, the resolution demonstrated that the U.S. policy toward Iran has not changed. “With the ratification of the resolution it became clear that with the change of the U.S. president the country’s stance has not changed at all and (only) its tone has changed.”

Thirdly, the resolution came as a warning that “today we should be united more than ever and avoid discord because the enemy is busy making plots (against us)”.

The grand ayatollah insisted that strengthening national unity is the only way to confront the enemies and develop the country.

“Now that the election is over any talk of it is useless but all of us under the aegis of the Islamic revolution and the Constitution should join our hands and avoid division,” the ayatollah told theology students at Qom Grand Mosque.

In the face of such threats it is not sensible that post-election disputes continue and “we should know that if we get united the God will help us and anybody whom God helps nobody can defeat him, and in that situation will win over the enemies,” he explained.

Elsewhere in his talks the ayatollah said some people lie without caring about the damages that it inflicts on the society. “Unfortunately, some persons easily tell lies and do cheatings.”

According to narratives lying is the key to all bad things, he noted.
Today under different pretexts countries tell big lies in order to reap their own benefits, he opined.