ID :
Fri, 12/25/2009 - 11:48
Auther :

Vientiane province: over 83% of population access electricity

(KPL) The director of the Electricite du Laos (EDL) in Vientiane province says that around 83.3 per cent or 361,408 people of the entire population of Vientiane province access electricity.
Mr. Boun-oum Chanthalasy, whose post was mentioned earlier, said last week that EDL had been allowed by the province to carry out the electrification projects across the province. And these include electricity installation in Nasack village, Feuang district, which is scheduled to complete 100 per cent by the end of this year with an investment of 580 million kip; the 580-million kip electricity installation at Nongpor village; the installation of power meters for 1,023 households who have been affected by the Namsuem II hydropower plant construction. The installation is set to be over by the end of this year.
In 2010, EDL in Vientiane province will install power grid for 12 villages in Hin Heub district and 639 families are expected to benefit from the development. The installation will be carried out with the investment from a local company, according to Mr. Boun-oum.