Russian Northern Fleet pilots search for enemy submarines in Arctic drills

MURMANSK, February 17. /TASS/.
MURMANSK, February 17. /TASS/.
KUBINKA /Moscow Region/, August 21. /TASS/.
MOSCOW, May 24. /TASS/.
MOSCOW, May 30. /TASS/. Indonesia plans to purchase amphibious planes and submarines from Russia, Indonesian Ambassador to Moscow Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi told TASS on Monday.
BANGKOK, September 21. /TASS/.
BANGKOK, September 4 (TNA) - The Royal Thai Navy says that it needs a new fleet of submarines to cope with possible threats in the Gulf of Thailand.
Bandar Abbas, Hormuzgan Prov, Nov 28, IRNA – Two Ghadir-class submarines joined Iran's Navy in a ceremony in this southern port city on Wednesday.
TEHRAN,July 23(MNA) – Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Director Fereydoun Abbasi said that Iran is able to design the nuclear reactors needed to power the ships and submarines that it plan
TEHRAN, June 28 (MNA) – The deputy commander of the Navy said that Iran plans to deploy light submarines to the Caspian Sea.
Berlin, Dec 13, IRNA -- Germany plans to deliver a sixth Dolphin class submarine to Israel to undermine peace in the Middle East and 'run counter' to UN efforts to establish a nuclear weapons-free