Russia will continue supporting Cuba, Lavrov says

MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/.
MOSCOW, May 27. /TASS/.
MOSCOW, April 16 /TASS/.
New York, Sept 25, IRNA – President Hassan Rouhani here on Wednesday stressed that Iran does not seek permission from any one to support Iraq's security and development.
Beirut, Dec 22, IRNA – Beirut Friday Prayer Leader Seyyed Ali Fadlallah said on Friday that the Islamic Republic of Iran puts the issue of Palestine at top of its agenda which makes its supporters
Beirut, July 2, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador to Beirut Ghazanfar Roknabadi said on Saturday night that Iran is proud of backing the brave, Islamic and national resistance of Lebanese people to systemat
Jakarta, Jan 30 (ANTARA) - The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) must continue supporting Palestine`s United Nations membership bid, Secretary of Muhammadiyah, Indonesia`s second largest ma
Timika, Papua, Jan 12 (ANTARA) - PT Freeport Indonesia will this year continue providing full support to the Amungme and Kamoro People`s Development Institute (LPMAK) - a program to empower Papua`s