ID :
Sat, 06/23/2012 - 07:59
Auther :

Iran responded to 5+1 group’s proposals at Moscow talks: China

TEHRAN,June 23(MNA) - Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that Iran provided responses to the proposals presented by world powers during the talks in Moscow. Hong made the remarks during a press conference in Beijing when asked to comment on the latest round of talks between Tehran and the 5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany), which was held in the Russian capital on June 18 and 19. The negotiations in Moscow were a continuation of talks that were held in Istanbul on April 14 and in Baghdad on May 23 and 24. During the talks in Moscow, the two sides agreed to hold expert meetings in Istanbul on July 3. The 5+1 group has demanded that Iran stop enriching uranium to a purity level of 20 percent, ship out stockpiled highly-enriched nuclear materials, and close down the Fordo underground enrichment facility. During his press conference, Hong described the Moscow talks as “realistic”, saying that China is ready to play a “constructive” role in resolving the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program. China believes that dialogue is the only logical solution to the dispute and that the sides should demonstrate more flexibility and help alleviate each other’s concerns, he added. Hong also stated that his country supports Iran’s right to develop nuclear energy meant for peaceful purposes.