ID :
Thu, 05/09/2024 - 04:49
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Aichi-Nagoya Asian Games May Use Cruise Ship as Athletes' Village

Nagoya, May 8 (Jiji Press)--The Aichi-Nagoya Asian Games Organizing Committee said Wednesday it will consider using a cruise ship moored at a pier as an alternative athletes' village for the 2026 sporting event hosted by Aichi Prefecture and its capital city of Nagoya.


The committee will report the plan at a general meeting of the Olympic Council of Asia in Bangkok on Saturday.


According to its announcement, the committee plans to deploy a cruise ship with an accommodation capacity of around 3,000 people at Kinjo Pier of the Port of Nagoya for about 20 days for athletes to stay and interact with each other.


It would be the first attempt to use a ship as a substitute for the athletes' village for a major international sporting event on the scale of an Asian Games or Olympics.


In March 2023, the committee gave up plans to build an athletes village, to cut costs. While the committee suggested a policy of using existing hotels instead, the OCA pointed out the need to secure an accommodation base of a certain size.