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At the initiative of the President of Mongolia, a two-day ‘Green Finance Regional Forum’ has kicked off at the State House today.
At the forum being organized ahead of the Mongolia Economic Forum 2022, the national roadmap for sustainable financing will be approved alongside holding discussions on matters concerning the environment and green financing. Certificates are also planned to be presented to financial institutions and several large domestic companies that have made the decision to support the ‘One Billion Trees’ national movement.
Furthermore, a project proposal will be developed on slowing down climate change and fighting against desertification and dust storms in the region. The suggestions put forth during the forum are to be presented during the plenary session of the Mongolian Economic Forum.
President of Mongolia U.Khurelsukh and Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene gave opening remarks at the forum.
The forum’s opening panel discussion took place on global green finance trends and the role of Mongolia, which involved Resident Representative of International Finance Corporation Rufat Alimardanov, Head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Mongolia Hannes Takacs, and Country Director of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for Mongolia Pavit Ramachandran participating in-person, and Chairman of the China Green Finance Committee Ma Jun and Chief Conservation Officer of the Nature Conservancy David Banks participating in the discussion online.