AIS Forum can help improve quality of coastal, marine ecosystems: govt
Jakarta, September 25 (ANTARA) - The 2023 Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum Summit can result in agreements that lead to improving the quality of coastal and marine ecosystems, a government official said.
"Agreements at the regional and global levels can improve the quality of coastal and marine ecosystems, especially (in preventing) marine pollution by plastic waste," Head of the Jakarta Food Security, Marine, and Agriculture (KPKP) Office Suharini Eliawati told ANTARA here on Monday.
Eliawati noted that the 2023 AIS Forum, which will discuss about marine pollution as one of the issues, can lead to agreements at the regional and global levels.
The AIS Forum Summit will be held on October 10-11, 2023, in Bali, with the theme of "Fostering Collaboration, Enabling Innovation for Our Ocean and Our Future."
She reminded that pollution in the sea does not only come from one source of location but also from various regions in the world, as countries are connected by sea.
According to Eliawati, waste and other pollutants that pollute the Jakarta sea not only come from the Jakarta area but also from other regions or even countries.
She noted that the declining quality of coastal and marine ecosystems can affect ecological, social, and economic aspects, among others.
Eliawati explained that plastic waste in the sea can deteriorate coastal aesthetics and beauty, thereby harming potential marine tourism development.
Speaking in terms of the ecological aspect, she cautioned that plastic waste can harm marine life, and the content of microplastics that enter the body of fish can affect human health.
In terms of the economic aspect, the decreasing environmental quality will lead to low interest in investing and developing maritime-based activities, such as marine tourism, fisheries, and sea transportation.
"Therefore, handling plastic waste in coastal areas is important and needs to be implemented immediately," Eliawati stated.