ID :
Sun, 04/14/2019 - 11:20
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Some $882m worth of flood damage inflicted to Iran’s water, electricity sector

TEHRAN, Apr. 14 (MNA) –Iran’s Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian said that the flood across the country has caused about $882m worth of damage to Iran’s water and electricity sector. He made the remarks while briefing the Parliament on flood damages in a Sunday open session. Ardakanian mentioned that power grid of 2,352 villages was cut off due to the recent flood, but at the moment only 35 of the village's electricity infrastructures are still cut off due to lack of access. He went on to say that water supply was cut off to 3,778 villages due to the flood, but now only 1.5% of these villages have a problem with water supply. Exceptional rainfalls since March 19 have flooded some 1,900 cities and villages across Iran, claiming over 70 lives and causing hundreds of millions of dollars of damage to Iranian water and agriculture infrastructures. Floods have affected several provinces in the north and west of the country including, Golestan, Mazandaran, Lorestan, and Khuzestan. Currency rate has been calculated according to the official rate announced by the Central Bank of Iran ($1 US = 42,000 Rials). MNA