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Fri, 01/22/2021 - 14:17
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Bid Boland mega project symbol of failure of US sanctions on Iran: Minister

Ahvaz, Jan 21, IRNA – Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh said on Thursday that the inauguration of the Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery symbolizes the failure of the US sanctions and maximum pressure on Iran. Speaking in the inauguration ceremony of the project, Zangeneh said that the team of former US President Donald Trump thought that with sanctioning Iranian oil and putting Iran under pressure, they can bring the country to its knees, but Iran became stronger than before and they themselves were thrown on the ash heap of history. Zangeneh said despite the fact that investment decreased, no project was stopped for lack of equipment and technology, hoping that all the flares will be turned off before the Iranian year 1401 (will start on March 20, 2022). He also said that the revenue of the Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery will be $1.5 billion a year. President Hassan Rouhani inaugurated the Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery, the largest in the Middle East and other important oil projects in southern Iran on Thursday. Through a video conference, the President inaugurated the projects with an investment of 4,590 million dollars. Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery is inaugurated today after 36 months of executive works and with strong support from the Government for its construction. The refinery is aimed at increasing sweet gas production as an alternative fuel to reduce consumption of oil products, creating jobs, and contribute to other petrochemical plants. Operation of the Persian Gulf Bid Boland Gas Refinery with full capacity will bring 700 million dollars proceeds a year. Over the past months, the government has inaugurated a series of projects across the country in line with following the guidelines of Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on "Surge in Production" for the current Iranian year (started March 20, 2020).