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Cultural diplomacy paves way for Iran-Italy political interactions

Tehran, Aug 13, IRNA - Italian Ambassador to Tehran Giuseppe Perrone referred to ancient and deeply-rooted relations between Iran and Italy and underlined the importance of cultural diplomacy in political exchanges between two countries.
Perrone made the remarks in an exclusive interview with the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) the full text of which is as follows:
IRNA: Do you think the cultural relations pave the way for the relationships in other fields?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: I think cultural diplomacy is extremely important because it paves the way to understanding better at people’s level and understanding each other reasons and fostering mutual comprehension so I think it is an essential ingredient for dialogue and also political exchange.
IRNA: Italy and Iran have long had good relationships in different fields, politics, economy culture etc. What have you done to foster this relationship since last year that you have been here?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: You are right, Italy and Iran enjoy relationships that are very old and rooted in the ancient civilizations that they both represent and that’s why between the people’s level there is a great understanding of these two countries, because they have cultural depth and so they are hearth of big civilizations and that is why it is very easy to understand one another. Since I have come here we have done so many things that prove what I just said. The fact that there is this important and deep friendship, so on the cultural side we have launched new initiatives which have always been met in Iran with great approval, interest and enthusiasm from both level of people and organizations. Governmental organizations have always show great enthusiasm and interest in cooperating with my country that’s why we have done activities on cinema art, theatre and architecture and design and archeology which as an example many archeological missions are active now in Iran. Italy has been very active in Iran last year, in working together and highlighting what both countries share in terms of their identity and how they have worked together in the past and how they can work together now.
Initiative about urban art which is about artists from both countries working together and produce work of art together, we are also working with many organizations also for example for exhibits and shows which we will produce, we also have in store an amazing initiative about architecture and design; highlighting the greatness Iranian architecture and design in their cooperating with my country. So because even after corona we had to change a little bit what we were doing, because we can’t hold a large gatherings any more obviously, and for example the new series of theatre clips which have been launched from Aug 5th which is a video and on-line sort of cooperation (of 4 Iranian and Italian artists), but it’s a great production because the result is quite beautiful and also the series of architecture will be video production and I think we are adapting to the new circumstances and we are to foster this cooperation that exist between the two countries and is still strong because even on the economic side my country has been the first partner of Iran in Europe now is Iran's second partner in Europe but we try our best to reincrease cooperation on the economic side between our countries.
IRNA: since the JCPOA was signed back in 2015 there was a lot of hope from both people and organizations that cooperation with European countries will be promoted and increased, after the withdrawal of the US from JCPOA do you think the cultural activities of the European countries mainly the Italy has been decreased or is being done as been planned?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: for us (Italy) since I have arrived we had more activities which are cultural and social activities, and I have always found extreme interest on the Iranian people and openness also on the Iranian government so I am just pleased in the type of response that we got.
IRNA: is there any challenge from your government side because of sanctions that act as a barrier and doesn’t let you do what you have planned?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: No, absolutely not, everything we had proposed and we had an idea to do we had been able to do.
IRAN: and sanctions are not challenging?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: of course they are challenging for my country and for everybody who has business. Everyone is impacted, but in terms of cultural activities and events and exhibits and everything where you share knowledge they have no impact on that.
IRNA: what media and journalists of both side can do to help you do what you mean better in all fields?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: journalism is extremely important in building sound relationships between countries and in fact I have found increasing interest in Italian reporters and journalists to tell the story of Iran of what it is and to go deep to Iran and understand what’s happening in Iran. There was a good report in one of main Italian newspapers about Iran which I found very profound and very insightful that tells you when journalist do their job and don’t limit themselves to tell what they hear and they go deep, and tell the story as what it is, then the image that comes out of Iran is totally different.
Because it is a country that is very diverse culturally, rich with strong civilization behind it and people are vibrant and is a country has also a debates and conflicts inside like any other country in the world but it is very vibrant and when journalists cover Iran I think it is very important for them to tell the story through. The reporting of Italian journalists of Iran is already getting better in many ways that I have seen. I think it is important to exchanging experiences and for journalists actually to be able to come here and see and touch the situation and that’s basically important to foster this exchange actually which we have been doing also and encourage reporters to come here.
IRNA: Can you name some of the cultural initiatives which are going to be done during the next year?
Mr. Giuseppe Perrone: One of them is the theatre clips ‘beyond the borders’ which we launched on August 5, and is in 8 episode, then we should resume Italian film series which we stopped because of corona. This project started in Tehran and was supposed to go to Shiraz and Kish Island it’s Italian contemporary cinema so we will resume that hopefully in this fall. Then we have a beautiful series on architecture and design which is like covering what this Italian greatest magazine which is called Domus, covered about Iranian architecture over the years, so we will be revisiting it and highlighting this important work of architecture that Domus magazine covered, and we will resume our urban art project because that was interrupt as well then many other things, our archeological missions also are going to resume activities.