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Mon, 02/14/2022 - 11:44
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GCC Secretary General Welcomes Coalition Forces Spokesman Statement Regarding Allegations of Houthi Militia on Coalition’s Targeting of Prison in Saadah, Yemen

Riyadh, February 14, 2022, SPA -- Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council for Arab States (GCC) Dr. Nayef Falah Mubarak Al-Hajraf has welcomed the statement of the spokesperson of the Coalition Forces to Support Legitimacy in Yemen on January 28, 2022, regarding the allegations of Iran-backed terrorist Houthi militia that the coalition targeted a prison in Saadah, and that the coalition command will offer all detailed facts and information regarding the allegations of the Houthi militia for the joint team to assess incidents and to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Yemen and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Dr. Al-Hajraf noted that the Houthi militia holds full responsibility for using civilians as human shields at their military sites or for violating items of the international humanitarian law related to detention centers mentioned in Item 23 of the Third Geneva Convention and Paragraph 2c of Item 5 of the Protocol II of the Geneva Convention. He also called on the international community to practice more pressure on the Houthi group to engage, without previous conditions, in the political process under the auspices of the UN to solve the Yemeni crisis according to the references of the Gulf initiative and its executive mechanisms, the outcomes of the comprehensive national dialogue conference and UN Security Council Resolution 2216, in a way that preserves Yemen and its sovereignty, security and stability. --SPA