ID :
Mon, 02/06/2012 - 20:47
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HH the Qatar Emir Witnesses the Doha Declaration of Palestinian Reconciliation

Doha, February 06 (QNA) - HH the Emir Sheikh Hamasd Bin Khalifa Al Thani has witnessed the Doha Declaration of the Palestinian reconciliation signed at the Emiri Diwan premises here on Monday morning by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Chief of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Hamas Politbureau Khalid Mashaal. HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani also signed the reconciliation signing ceremony. It was also attended by HE the Prime Minister And Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al Thani and a number of their Excellencies the ministers. While it was attended on the Palestinian side by members of the two delegations accompanying the Palestinian President and the Chief of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Hamas Politbureau . The following is the unofficial text of the Doha Declaration of Palestinian Reconciliation: Under the patronage of HH the Emir of the State of Qatar and based on the reconciliation accord held in Cairo under the auspices of the sisterly Arab Republic of Egypt between the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Chief of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Hamas Politbureau Khalid Mashaal, a meeting was held between them in Doha on 05/02/2012 where a review was made of the steps taken so far to implement the reconciliation accord related mechanisms and the obstacles which hindered its execution and underlined the need to overcome them. And out of a spirit of responsibility, frankness , transparency and insistence on honest and accurate implementation of all articles of the reconciliation accord. It was agreed on the following : First: Underlining on continuing steps to revitalize and develop the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) through the reformation of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) in consistency with the presidential and legislative elections .It was also agreed on holding the second meeting of the ad-hoc committee on revitalizing and developing the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) in Cairo on 18/02/2012. Second: Forming the Palestinian National Reconciliation Government of independent occupational efficiencies under HE President Mahmoud Abbas and which would be in charge of facilitating the presidential and legislative elections and start the reconstruction of Gaza. Third: Stressing the need to continuing the works of the committees which have been formed , namely the Public Freedom Committee assigned to tackling the dossiers of the detainees, institutions , freedom of travel , the return of the , national , cadres to the Gaza Strip , the passports of travel and freedom of action and the Community Reconciliation Committee. In this context, President Mahmoud Abbas informed those meeting that 64 detainees were released within the framework of the accord on releasing all the detainees. Fourth: Asserting on implementing what have been agreed upon in Cairo to start the work of the Central Elections Committee in the West Bank , the Gaza Strip and Al Quds. HE President Mahmoud Abbas and Khalid Mashaal expressed their deep thanks and appreciation to the faithful efforts HH the Heir Apparent Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani has exerted for completing the reconciliation process and ending the partition and division on the Palestinian arena to contribute to enhance the Palestinian National Unity for maintaining steadfastness, terminating the occupation and enabling the Palestinian people to restore and regain all their legitimate rights including the establishment of their independent Palestinian state with Al Quds Ash-Sharif as its capital. Mahmoud Abbas Khalid Mashaal President of the State of Palestine Chief of the Politbureau of Hamas Movement Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation President of the Palestinian National Authority. Witness HH Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani The Emir of The State of Qatar Following the signing of the doha declaration, HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani gave an address. The following is an unofficial translation of the address: '' I congratulate the palestinian people and our arab nation of the declaration which took place in doha between the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Khalid Mashaal.. Undoubtedly it is a historic responsibility laid upon their shoulders to unify the palestinian national movement in such circumstances the Palestinian cause and our region are passing through''. ''Whatever included in the declaration is a good evidence of the determination of the brethren in the fatah and hamas movements to bring cohesion to the political palestinin body ... and we in Qatar firmly believe in the faithful intention and determination showcased on part of the brothers in Fatah and Hamas for overcoming all obstacles''. '' In view of our assessment , the Palestinian brethren have nothing but to proceed towards achieving their national unity which is no longer an option but a destiny and they would find us and the Arab nation in their support for regaining all the legimate rights of the Palestinian people." Then Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivered an address in which he expressed his deep thanks , appreciation and respect to HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani for such a good initiative and the great efforts HH has exerted for pushing forward the Palestinian reconciliation... Abbas also thanked Egypt which started and still acting for such a reconciliation. President Abbas reiterated his complete commitment to implement what has been signed in the Doha Declaration on Monday either as for the elections, the government and all issues relating to the internal reconciliation regardless of the difficult affairs taking place around us. President Abbas regarded the palestinian reconciliation a vital palestinian and arab national interest , stating ,'' When I say arab, this is what has made HH the Emir , HH the Heir Apparent and HE the Prime Minister assume such thankful efforts which led to this''... and promised to put such efforts into action as soo as possible. For his part, Khalid Mashaal said ,'' from dear Doha , we jofully announce such a declaration and such a new and renewable reconciliation to opur Palestinian people and our arab and islamic nation.'' '' After the thanked efforts on part of our brothers in Egypt ... Today we are sponored and under the patronage of HH the Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani , the Emir of the State of Qatar and at the patronage of HH the Heir Apparent and HE the Prime Minister and all the officials and in support of the Qtari people who are duly keen on the palestinian cause''. Mashaal expressed pleasure and delight for signing the Doha Declaration which he described as ''accomplishment'' and pledged to the Palestinian people that the two parties, namely Fatah And Hamas are fully prepared and keen to carry out such a declaration with all powers including the Palestinian national figures either inside or outside to turn and close the page of division, enhance the reconciliation on the ground and futher cement the palestinian national unity in all its fields including the elections, the government , the reconciliation files , the releasing of all detainees and others. Mashaal also pledged that the palestinian decision -making process would be unified again on the basis of partnership either within the framework of the Palestinian National Authority or the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)... I assure all we are serious to do this so as to fully dedicate as palestinians to confront the occupying enemy and fulfill and carry out our national liberating plan and regain all our palestinian national rights'', said Mashaal. (QNA)