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Thu, 10/29/2020 - 02:05
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HRH Premier congratulates MP Al Asoumi on election as Arab Parliament Speaker

Manama, Oct. 28 (BNA): His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa congratulated today member of the Representatives Council, MP Adel bin Abdulrahman Al Asoumi, on his uncontested election as Speaker of the Arab Parliament, during the parliament’s session today at the Arab League’s headquarters in Cairo. HRH the Premier praised MP Adel Al Asoumi, stressing that the confidence accorded to him by the Arab Parliament members is in appreciation of his big role and distinguished experience in parliamentary work locally and at the Arab level. He also expressed confidence in MP Al Asoumi’s ability to assume this responsibility to the fullest, which reflects the Bahrainis’ well-recognised competence and experience at the local, Arab and international level. HRH the Prime Minister wished the Arab Parliament Speaker and members every success in performing their duties.