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Sun, 02/10/2019 - 12:16
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Iran may perform maneuvers out of Indian Ocean: Cmdr

Tehran, Feb 10, IRNA – Iran’s deputy navy commander said on Sunday that the country has received requests for carrying out joint maneuvers with friendly states, including China and Russia, outside the Indian Ocean. The drills will be conducted after being confirmed by Iranian commanders, Rear-Admiral Touraj Hassani Moqaddam told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) in an interview. Recently, a Russian delegation has visited naval industries of the first region of Iran’s Navy in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas, Hassani Moqaddam said, adding that Iran attained its goals of the visit, and hopes the two countries would reach agreement on cooperation during the next trips. The commander went on to say that the Russian side has expressed readiness to be present in southern Iranian waters through Mediterranean and Black Seas or via China Sea, but no planning for the measure has been made yet. Elsewhere in his remarks, the commander referred to the international cooperation in the Caspian Sea in north Iran, saying the country has already dispatched several flotillas carrying message of peace and friendship to some of the Sea littoral states including Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. Iran also plans to send flotillas to those countries in the next few months and will host their peace and friendship vessels, he added. About the plans in south of the country, the commander said Iran follows its international cooperation and naval diplomacy through bilateral and multilateral projects with other states. Recently, a Russian delegation has travelled to Iran. The talks held between the two sides focused on naval and technical interactions as well as exchanging flotillas and holding maneuvers to counter pirates. Follow us on Twitter @IrnaEnglish