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Wed, 01/30/2019 - 19:05
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Iran: US, Israel not able to open PMD case

Tehran, Jan 30, IRNA - Iran's nuclear chief referred to the efforts made by the US and the Zionist regime of Israel to open Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) case, saying fortunately opening it will not be logically possible In fact if they want to pursue their plan through technical, scientific and legal framework, they will not be successful, Ali Akbar Salehi told the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) in an exclusive interview. In response to a question whether the information proposed by the Israeli regime is verified by the IAEA, he said the IAEA reviews any news received, but it does not mean that the body confirms those news. Earlier, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called closure of Possible Military Dimension of Iran’s nuclear program as one of big achievements of his government. Commenting on Europeans' claims regarding Iran ballistic missiles, Salehi said under the JCPOA, Iran has accepted not to design any missile to carry nuclear warhead. Some European countries have always been after finding fault against Iran, he said, adding that Iran is among the developing countries that have political independence. Despite the fact that the European Union has more population and income than the US, it does not have complete political and economic independence. Elsewhere in his remarks, Salehi dismissed any cooperation between the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and military sectors, and said, 'We are now working on propeller projects.' 'We have told the IAEA that the project has peaceful purposes,' he added.