ID :
Tue, 06/01/2021 - 14:17
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Kazakh Deputy FM met with heads of UN country agencies in Almaty

ALMATY, June 1 (KAZINFORM) – Deputy Kazakh Foreign Minister Akan Rakhmetullin visited the international organizations building and met with Michaela Friberg-Storey, UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan as well as the heads of UN regional and country agencies accredited in Kazakhstan as part of his visit to Almaty city on May 31, Kazinform cites the website of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry. Rakhmetullin informed his interlocutors on the foreign policy priorities and international initiatives of Kazakhstan as well as the large-scale reforms the country carries out in the areas of democracy, human rights, civil society as improving the government’s work in implementing the Hearing State concept. The sides exchanged the views on the main areas of interaction between Kazakhstan and the UN structures as well as confirmed mutual support to further deepen and expand cooperation. Special attention was placed on the issues of the implementation of the 17 global SDGs, concerted efforts in the fight against COVID-19 and its negative social and economic impact, and measures to further promote Almaty as a sub-regional hub in multifaceted diplomacy.